I haven't painted in ages, Infinity cracked me actually. I don't know what it was, I think it was because I couldn't paint them as well as I wanted to, or even remotely how Giraldez paints the studio miniatures and it just did my head in. I owe my friend Wozz big time for giving me a lot of the Tyranids that are in my force, he was good enough to ask me to paint this miniature for his pre-heresy Ultramarines and I set to it this weekend before his tournament this week. I did a similar style to what I had put down on my Red Scorpions of old but without the chipping. It was quite fun to paint a space marine again actually and I am quite happy with the result. I'll see if I can use him as a launchpad to paint again and come out with some more Tyranids for Behemoth.
Works from the hobby bench of Jackie, the artist formerly known as Redscorps and the man with the Bad Credentials.