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Measuring my return to blogging again.

Hey guys,

I've been a bad blogger, unfortunately I keep getting swept up by the ease of Instagram and Facebook for posting my hobby work and neglecting the blog which I actually honestly prefer to use. It's much more tangible and far less disposable than the social media formats in my opinion and there are some really meaningful blog connections on here with no algorithms deciding who sees what and when and no likes or followers it feels more healthy to be here.

So I shit canned my Insta and have quit a bunch of FB groups too and will get back to the roots again.

As a little intro to what I've been up to, I'll actually start with the latest thing I've finished today that feels like a neat little addition to my collection. I got a few cheap 'Craftright' tape measures from Bunnings in Australia, they're light and importantly for our game they display continuous inches to measure with, something actually rare in Australia!!

I masked over the rubber grip exterior and around the odd shaped hard plastic piece in the centre with some blutac and got to painting with my airbrush, doing a modulated bone white base. I hit it with some Forge world decals for House Makabius and for Death Guard, sponge chipped and added some oil streaking using burnt umbre before sealing it all in with a few layers of clear. I'm pretty happy with the effect! Excluding drying time it was probably only around 2hrs of work and I think it will nicely compliment my Knight House and Horus Heresy Legion armies on the tabletop.

I've painted a heap of stuff since I last posted and have a good chunk of WIP photos so I'll schedule some posting to catch back up and get it back up to date again.

Cheers guys



Mordian7th said…
Nice! Those are awesome, man!

I feel ya on the instagram thing. It's been an interesting platform for wip shots and whatnot, but it feels very sterile and disconnected compared to the blogger side.

I always like seeing your work regardless of platform - Keep up the good stuff, bud!
Zab said…
I gotta get back to my blog too. Insta is easy but yeah so fast and informal. I have soooooo much content to post and i have to doll it out slow so i can pump the NOVA fall auctions that i painted for!
NafNaf said…
Good to have you back. Love your stuff :)

Agreed on the social media thing. Works just get lost in the chatter, and there is no permanence to it. Having a blog is also a record of the awesome hobby stuff produced that can be referred back to, by oneself, and others searching later. I also feel more part of a community when blogging, as the interactions seem much more permanent
Agis said…
I am looking forward to seeing your stuff on the blogg again. I have missed your work as am not that active on the social media. Your work is inspiring so I hope you post a back log of what you have done in the absence from your blogg. The tape measures are incredible, hope the varnish keeps them safe as you use them.
joe m. said…
Those tape measures are awesome! I also feel the same regarding other social media platforms; glad to have you back and looking forward to seeing more of your work on the blog!
Siph_Horridus said…
Glad to have you back, Blogger suffers from the effortit takes to post meaningful content rather than instant photo done... but I’m glad to hear thoughts and see processes too. I’m not on FB or IG etc so glad to see your return mate!
Dorn's Arrow said…
Now I understand why I couldn't find your Instagram profile anymore :-p
I've considered the same thing several times, but Insta is great for WIPS and a bit shit to display finished things properly :-( also the total randomness of what people see now is just total bullshit, why can't they present posts in a logical chronological order... -.- like in the olden times.

I still update my own blog with finished things, but I just don't really feel it has as much trafic as my Instagram. Just don't think people really checks blogs out that muych anymore, shame really as the quality of posts is so much higher than this social media shit.

I'm glad you still post here though! and huge Kudos for your posts on the Forgeworld FB page...these new prices are just ridiculously stupid...even though we only got something like a 10-15% increase here in Denmark which is nowhere near as bad as you Aussies got shafted.

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