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Death Guard Legion Quad Mortar Batteries and a Template Fix

Hey guys,

Next up is a little artillery to support my infantry pushes. I'm often taking 4 'compulsory' troops choices (3 Tac and 1 Assault) on foot as for me it feels like it best represents the early Heresy fiction I've read and enjoyed. On the tabletop though they don't have a lot of punch so I need some points effective units to help offset the high fluff factor.

First up is the black pair.. although it's hard to tell from this photo due to a bit of weird lighting, these have a black-grey gradient instead of the normal green I use. I've also loaded these guys up with Destroyer markings too to represent the capacity for everyone's favourite and very Death Guard fluffy, PHOSPHEX! 

Then we have the regular pair, standard green, might sometimes have Phos but for the most part they'll just have normal frag and shatter shells to help me deal with hordes or armour.

Speaking of Quad Mortars, the biggest issue a lot of people have with them is the bullshit multi-barrage time sink. After a bit of chat on FB, community leaders 'Mournival Events' on Facebook have come up with a solution. You put down one of these templates and roll up the scatter per gun, models under the central circle are hit twice and models under the outer three circles are hit once. Our local community of players really liked the idea so I put together a group order for some of these templates from V.E.R.G gaming accessories with custom logos for our Western Australian community.

The thing about Phos though is the lingering death special rule where the ground under the template becomes difficult and dangerous terrain for the rest of the battle. You need to mark the area so I traced the template and cut some card markers out before airbrushing some gassy looking green clouds onto them.

I'd highly doubt they will ever live long enough to put down this much area effect but you have to be prepared to represent, who knows!

Cheers guys



Agis said…
Never underestimate the power of fluff, that is what makes it all tick.

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