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Deus Bellum - God of War - Legio Vulpa Command Group Alpha.

Hey y'all,

I've still been chipping away at Adeptus Titanicus stuff. I really freaking love this game and was lucky enough to get a spot to go and play at Act of Heresy V in January so wanted to get everything finished and ready for the event. I wrote a short piece for each of the Titans and created a Princeps for them, I'll open batting with the big kahuna, Princeps Maxima Dhrykax in his Warlord Titan, the Deus Bellum.

I normally go small time with my character creations (Sergeants, Lieutenants, Centurions and the like) but because it seems that I'm one of the only guys on the planet who's really committed to Legio Vulpa from the game release, I've gone big and named the boss himself.

I doubt Black Library or the Forgeworld Specialist Games team will ever swing back around to them again and they've had their moment in the sun with Titandeath so I'm going to develop more of the back story and own the Legio one bit of narrative at a time. Also reading the latest Adeptus Titanicus supplement, Shadow and Iron, I realised how little it actually takes to fill in a back-story for a Titan Legio in the narrative and how big you can go with the characters for no consequence.

I imagine Princeps Maxima Dhrykax to be the type of dude that would have slowly poisoned his parents to death as a young child and graduated into more brutish forms of violence and murder as an adult. His physical presence creates a sick feeling in the stomach of those not from the Legio (who mostly submit and operate in fear as menials, or Princeps who share a kindred mean spirit) and relations between the Death Stalkers and other Titan Legios have always been strained. I can see the Warmaster Horus letting him choke and weasel at the prospect of the level of control and obedience required to join The Great Crusade war host, and can also see Horus marking the Legio Vulpa for specific jobs that required a measure of absolute annihilation and complete lack of respect and dignity.

Dhrykax had picked a side in the Heresy before he knew it, not for a particular loyalty to any faction or the other, but for the ability to scour the galaxy and punish civilisations for even existing at all.

As with Harrtek in the story, Titandeath, Dhyrkax moves closer and closer to the edge of madness and Deus Bellum becomes more unrestrainable in it's rage with each deployment.

Anyway, pics and fluff! I love this Titan, I'm not actually a fan of playing with Warlords but I really love the way they look and pose and am stoked with how it presents.

Deus Bellum - God of War - Legio Vulpa Command Group Alpha.

Princeps Maxima Dhyrkax, supreme commander of the Death Stalkers Titan Legio has impressed upon his warrior elite the dark taint of pitiless cruelty. Both man and machine are the tip of the spear in most major Legio Vulpa deployments and are usually the last ones off the ground in a conflict zone, often found laying waste to hab blocks and civilian shelters once the fighting has ceased.

His personal Warlord Titan, the God of War, is deployed far more often than a Titan of its station would be. It's machine spirit hungers for battle and resists all attempts to be put into the restful stasis that most engines enter between battles.

Some say the Deus Bellum must be restrained by thick chains of iron and brass while not on the battlefield, rumours that are unable to be confirmed as access is restricted to the highest levels of the True Mechanicum and Princeps Maxima Dhyrkax himself.


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